Sunday, February 26, 2023

Classic X-Men 28-31

Reminder: The Classic X-Men backup stories were written roughly 10 years after the original stories, though take place during this time period. This means they will sometimes use characters, or set up storylines that will not take place until much later.

Classic X-Men #28, Cyclops Is A Clown: The X-Men attend a costume party, which Nightcrawler enjoys cause no one will think twice about his blue furry face. An attempted murder happens and the X-Men stop it. Also, Cyclops is enticed by a girl that it turns out is actually Jean anyway, but this is the first sign of his remarkably bad ability to function in a relationship. Also he is dressed as a jester.

Classic X-Men #29, Colossus Skipped Out On Afghanistan: Piotr returns home and a lot of the men from his home are pissed cause they ended up serving in Afghanistan and dying/getting maimed. A KGB officer arrests him and gives him the option of leaving forever or serving the Soviet Union. Colossus returns home.

Classic X-Men #30, Arcade vs Mental Health: Arcade wakes up in Murderworld with a whole crazy setup involving his past and his abusive father. He escapes it and discovers he programmed it himself in his sleep.

Classic X-Men #31, Why Can't I Be The Most Important?!: Xavier is being pissy and sulking because he isn't considered special in the Shi'ar empire. He interrupts a Imperial council meeting to be a big babby about it. Lilandra sends him out with a plumber to fix some random problem. Xavier learns a very valuable lesson about how not having a prestigious role doesn't make you unimportant.

X-Tra Notes: #31 is my favorite, mostly because I love bratty Xavier. Dude is so self-important. Do you know what I'd be doing if I was married to a beautiful space Empress and nobody expected anything of me? Relaxing. Writing a book. Spending more time on this blog. Basically anything other than caring about whether I was important or not.

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