Saturday, February 25, 2023

Uncanny X-Men #125: Someone Finally Tells Scott That Jean Is Alive

This one is another that is just a series of vignettes rather than one story. Everything is designed to set up for the next comic, which will start another multi-parter.

Thread one: Muir Island, Jean is having her powers tested by Moira, who is having concerns about the massive powerup the Phoenix has given her. It turns out that Jean had put mental blocks in place after the M'Kraan crystal situation to keep her power level down, but for some reason those are being unlocked again.

Jean is off chilling back at Moira's house when she starts seeing everything like it is the 18th century. And there she sees Jason Wyngarde, who we know as Mastermind, who she for some reason seems to have an attraction to. This is because, as was fully revealed in this comic, Mastermind has been following her around everywhere, screwing with her memory.

She is snapped out of it by Lorna, and they have a conversation about Jean's powers, but Jean just evades the conversation. Back in the lab, Moira has realized that Jean's powers are going to reach god-like levels, and she hopes Xavier will come back soon to help her. While leaving, she notices a gold tooth on the floor, and has a horrible realization, she rushes off to find that "Mutant X" is missing from his containment chamber (from when Magneto escaped all those episodes ago and broke the containment).

Jean wanders into the lab detecting some kind of intruder, but then falls into the weird 18th century visions again, and she is attacked. Alex and Jamie hear her scream and run to investigate.

Thread two: back at the X-Mansion, Cyclops is running the X-Men through their paces in the Danger Room. They don't do to hot and Cyke lets them have it. Wolverine tells him to fuck off and leaves. Scott confides in Ororo that he isn't sure that they can be a "team" the same way the old team was, because they started training together more as adults, and were already so independent and strong willed.

Later, Beast drops in on the X-Mansion due to some alarms he had set up going off. To find that: HOLY SHIT THE X-MEN ARE STILL ALIVE! HE tells them that him and Jean had survived, and that she was on Muir Isle with Moira. Beast runs off to tell the Avengers what is up, as Cyclops runs to call Muir Island. Lorna picks up, but tells him that something bad is happening there, and then Cyclops hears a scream.

Thread three: Magneto is aboard Asteroid M, still recovering from his last battle with the X-Men and reviewing old information. He runs across the info on "Magda" his ex-wife, and thinks back to the events we reviewed (that were, at the time not written) from Classic X-Men. He deletes the file to try to bury the memory.

Thread four: Xavier is feeling like the odd man out and kind of useless in the Shi-ar empire. He's sulking, and so decides to look over the full reports from the M'Kraan crystal incident, then realizes that Jean is incredibly incredibly dangerous and needs to get back to Earth immediately.

X-Tra Notes: Like with the last vignette comic, this one is just super hard to summarize down small. A lot happens due to the lack of real action in the comic, so there is a lot to go over. Technically this is the start of the Proteus storyline (that we'll conclude in the next post), but this one was too meaty to include all in one post. It's also just really good. All the little details that will pay off over the next yearish of comics are excellently done.

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