Sunday, February 12, 2023

Uncanny X-Men Backup Story #44-46: Origin of Iceman

We start with a pre-X-Men Bobby Drake on a date with a girl. Some dudes show up to beat up Bobby cause she was the gang leader's "girl". And try to lead her off. Bobby reacts by doing the only thing he can do: using his mutant powers that his parents had told him to hide to defend himself. He runs back home and tells his parents, but then a mob comes and attacks the house. His dad tries to stop the mob, but they attack, and Bobby uses his ice powers to try to fend them off. He gets tackled and taken to the prison where for some reason the sheriff puts him behind bars (literally all he did was defend himself, and why would the sheriff just put someone in jail cause a mob attacked him and dragged him there???)

Xavier had sent Cyclops to help, and he blows a whole on the jail wall and tries to break him out. Iceman doesn't want to escape, but ends up on the run from the mob again because you know, "world that hates and fears them". They capture Bobby and Cyclops, and decide they are going to lynch them. The sheriff tries to intervene. They escape, and receive a message from Xavier to run to Bobby's parents house.

They manage to get there, Xavier has erased everyone's memories, and has Bobby join the school. He also erases his parents memories of him being a mutant.

X-tra Notes: This one is really not as good. The general ideas are there, but there are dumb weird things in it. Why wouldn't Xavier just show up, mindwipe the town and sheriff, and walk Bobby out of there? Why would he send Cyclops to just bust a wall down and try to jailbreak him? There is ALREADY a record of him being arrested. They knew who he was. Also, Jesus Xavier, why would you erase the memories from his PARENTS. Like for everyone else I understand, it is to protect him. But his parents were lovely people who loved him for who he was. They deserve to know. Xavier, you are an ass.

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