Friday, March 3, 2023

Uncanny X-Men #144: Man-Thing. I Can't Write Anything Funnier That That

Now we head off to Florida again, where the crew of the Arcadia has returned from a haul, and Lee has asked Scott to come with her while she goes to visit her father who had left word for her while she was out. Turns out he had inoperable brain cancer and had like, a year to live tops. Except, the villain D'Spayre was there and convinced him to kill himself.

They arrive and D'Spayre tries to screw up their brains to, but Man-Thing arrives to help them out. A lot of fighting, Scott has to deal some with his sadness over Jean, and then he tackles D'Spayre and declares that hope will win out. Man-Thing then manhandles D'Spayre and the whole place collapses while Scott gets an unconscious Lee out of there.

In the background, we have a bit of the various members of the X-Men fixing the place up and Kitty getting upset because Logan and Kurt were messing with her about the damage.

X-Tra Notes: This is one of those weird ones that I remember having as a kid, and it stuck with me. Probably because Man-Thing is objectively hilarious.

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